Phelps, Lochte and Wieber, oh my!

It's that time again. The one that only comes every four years and we cannot help but become mesmerized and addicted. The 2012 Olympics in London. Honestly, I tuned in for the Opening Ceremonies because I missed the "incredible" Beijing show. You would think I had learned from the 2012 Winter Olympics it's not a good idea. I fell asleep as one of the "B" countries was parading in. I've kept my eyes on the games because I wanted to see Michael Phelps break the medal record, for the gymnastics (even though the men's makes me a little uncomfortable) and even some beach volleyball. The trouble is that I get so wound up and excited that I cannot fall asleep! Last night's women's gymnastics and men's relay was heart-pounding and nail-biting. I found myself crying when the USA won a gold in gymnastics. Then I thought: "why am I crying? I didn't do anything. They worked really hard and earned the medal." Seriously, I a...