Phelps, Lochte and Wieber, oh my!

It's that time again.  The one that only comes every four years and we cannot help but become mesmerized and addicted.  The 2012 Olympics in London.  Honestly, I tuned in for the Opening Ceremonies because I missed the "incredible" Beijing show.  You would think I had learned from the 2012 Winter Olympics it's not a good idea.  I fell asleep as one of the "B" countries was parading in.

I've kept my eyes on the games because I wanted to see Michael Phelps break the medal record, for the gymnastics (even though the men's makes me a little uncomfortable) and even some beach volleyball.  The trouble is that I get so wound up and excited that I cannot fall asleep!  Last night's women's gymnastics and men's relay was heart-pounding and nail-biting.  I found myself crying when the USA won a gold in gymnastics.  Then I thought: "why am I crying?  I didn't do anything.  They worked really hard and earned the medal."  Seriously, I am asking why I cry.

The logical explanation is that the olympic athletes work their asses off for at least four years.  They are so talented that they go to the Big Time.  But just as us mortals, they have good days and bad.  When it comes to athletes, there's bound to be mistakes, they just have to hope there are 17 straight days without any.  And all this talk about Jordyn Wieber my God!  She didn't qualify for the finals, but she's the World Champion.  She just didn't perform well enough, and others performed better than they could have hoped.  I will say that the announcers were very kind by letting her get her composure before talking to her on camera.  She did well, and she almost achieved her dream but it just wasn't enough.  Though I sound like a heartless bitch, I do understand the disappointment.

There aren't many good things to say about the commentary, but leaving her alone was gracious.

I do have a few observations about gymnasts, though.  For example, their ponytails.  One, they're in a scrunchie, two, they are so tight I can't believe they don't suffer from migraines, and three, the barrettes!!!  Yes, they are great for keeping hair in place, but surely there is something else out there?  I think if I were a gymnast (ha!) I would cut all my hair off, kinda like a pixie cut.  Gabby Douglas is probably the luckiest when it comes to competition hair.

To me, it's luck of the draw for the day.  As I said before, there are good and bad days.  While I am no one to compare daily mistakes, I have heard they happen to even the best.  Are we watching to see the action?  To see who is going to win?  Or to see who is going to mess up?  I love a perfectly executed performance that launches into a gold medal.  I imagine it's a bit of both.  Except, during an event the announcer says something like, "[he] is the favorite for this particular race"so we believe them.  Obviously there are world championships and all kinds of get togethers for athletes, so I suppose that's where their wisdom comes from.

I am very well aware that I sound like a drag, or that I don't like the Olympics.  But I LOVE the Olympics and I am the first to recognize a great team effort or spirit because it's that particular quality that causes the lump in our throats.  The trials and tribulations of certain athletes only makes it worse.  I am grateful to ancient Greece for bringing the whole world together for a short time.  I also loved the Athens games' laurel wreaths!  Michael Phelps especially.

This isn't the photo where he looks so handsome, but I think this is sweet--he took off the wreath for the National Anthem!  Does it count as a hat???

I have another theory that probably explains my logical attitude: the gymnastics commentators are by far the worst...ever.  Not only do they seem super negative, they have deemed themselves professional critics!  I realize they are actual professionals.  Not sure what it is exactly, but they just bother me.  And I have heard they bother other people too.

What's the deal with "Lane 8"?  One guy says it's a great lane, another says it's the worst...I honestly have yet to learn the truth!  And I am really sick and tired of the Ryan Lochte ad where he says what doesn't get you to London; he swam his way.  And please...that grill?  He looks like a tool.

 Think he spent actual money on that?!?  He looks stupid.

For the teeny few who do read my blog, give me your comments!!!  This is worldly stuff going on we should be talking about!!


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