The View from the Observation Deck

My mind never stops running, and I tend to over think almost everything.  I was thinking about people, daily habits and ironies that keep life interesting.  So, while getting my hair done today, my hairdresser and I came up with a few more thoughts (thanks Stephanie!).  These do not apply to people I necessarily know, but some can easily be applied to my life.
Have you Ever Noticed?:

…celebrities and the wealthy are given cool free stuff...

…the guy at the gas station barely speaks English and is clearly not from America, but can give precise directions...

…the more money some friends have, the more they bitch about it.  And can even be cheap sometimes…

...when a couple decides to "take a break," neither party knows what it means…

…using words like "always" and "never,"  met with a "really? Always?" and they know what you mean (especially frustrating when disagreeing with a partner)...

…children don't squeeze during a handshake because they don't know what it means...

…people who pride themselves on being a Christians judge others, such as gay people…

…telling your hair stylist, manicurist or whoever all your deepest darkest secrets, then seeing them in public without knowing what to say…

…there's always an XS available, but never an XL.  It's discrimination!…

…America is predominantly overweight, but the models are all a size 4...

…when two straight guys go to a movie and leaving an empty seat between them…

People are funny.  Life is funny.  And there are so many great questions about it.
P.S. Thoughts and insights are encouraged!


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