Pills, Pills, Pills

I was raised a pill popper.  My mom was no Judy Garland or Edie Falco from "Nurse Jackie."  She distributed the safe, legal stuff, like Benadryl and Advil.  Today, if you were to approach my dad, brother or mom, I guarantee they have a Pepto Bismol on them.  Just as the father in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" believed in Windex as a cure-all, we believe in Pepto.  It rocks.

I am all for Eastern medicine and alternative therapies.  I believe that it's worth a try and there are methods that can and have worked.  However, I have seen the benefits of western medicine and even lived through them myself.  I admit, I asked my dad last week if he had any extra pain killers--because they are super awesome.  I've even overcome a strong addiction to Ambien.  But I still believe in drugs, the best of the West.


Think about a bad headache and how much better you felt after a couple Advil.  Or when you are sick with a terrible cold and cannot sleep, NyQuil probably solved the problem.  If people want to pour warm saltwater through their nose with a netty pot, more power to them.  I just prefer to take an Advil Cold & Sinus or a Benadryl.  One of my best friends swears by netty pots (but she also drinks hot water and doesn't like ice, so I don't know how much credibility she has, at least in my book).

I mentioned my mom earlier because she cracks me up.  If I so much as mention I have some sinus pain her reaction is always, "did you take an Advil Cold & Sinus?"  If we are shopping after lunch and I have a headache, "Did you take an Excedrin?"  She has a little pill box in her purse that has never failed me.  But my favorite of her "cures" is her love affair with Zicam.  

They don't fit in her tortoise shell pill box, but she probably has one in her bag.
Even if she hasn't seen you in years, but you sound like you are coming down with a cold she'll tell you to stick one of those Zicam sticks up your nose.  A while ago my dad had a cold and he sounded really miserable.  But, it was his fault because he didn't heed her advice to "use that Zicam."  Hearing her say it is so endearing and something I love about her, because she just wants to help, and it's one of those things I'll always remember her harping.  And, true to form of any mother, I hear it in my head and know she's right--if you catch it early, you can generally avoid a severe cold.

Some people believe that taking pills causes more problems because it weakens the immune system, causes damage to organs, whatever.  They may be right, who knows?  I firmly believe in medicinal marijuana.  If I or anyone I loved had (God forbid) cancer, all options are open.  For example, Farrah Fawcett tried alternative cures after her cancer diagnosis was terminal.  But Steve Jobs knew he was sick and tried a special diet instead of an oncologist.

In all seriousness, I grew up with a pesky kidney problem and medicine saved my life.  Granted, it was Prednisone.  I also saw my brother struggle in school, then Ritalin changed everything for him, and in the best way possible.  Consequently, I now think ADD has been over diagnosed quite a bit because I watched the real thing at home.  No disrespect, but if all these kids really do have ADD and are in control of our future, we are screwed.  Have you every had a conversation with someone who has severe Attention Deficit Disorder?  But that's for another day.

Notice the patriotic hats? 

Despite my ranting, I do not take over the counter meds every single day, nor does my family.  Hell, they don't always work.  But, I remember a time a friend didn't have anything to ebb the pain from falling on my face and knocking out a tooth.

I am not an expert nor do I have any credibility in the medical field.  Those who know me pretty much already know all of this, too.  I just really like to believe I have anonymous loyal readers out there!

Life is short and painful enough.  

I just really like this picture.


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