Who is "They?"
Fashion is about as important to me as breathing. Even if I don't follow all the trends myself, I love knowing what's "in," new fads and new designers. For instance, orange is a popular color this spring, as are pastels, as I read in "People's StyleWatch." I read "InStyle" religiously and check fashion blogs. But here is something I have never learned: who are the people that make these decisions???
Does Anna Wintour make the fashion choices? Dolce & Gabbana's runway show? Michael Kors? OK, so I get the whole idea behind following the fall and spring fashion shows and their trends. But who told the designers what would be big? Or, more importantly, are the fashion editors who tell us impressionable commoners what they personally like and hope it sticks?
Ten years ago ponchos were really popular. But in a flash they were "out." Slouchier boyfriend jeans were popular a few summers ago, but now it's all about colored skinny jeans. I'll never stop wearing my torn, worn in Gap jeans because to me, they are timeless, and I just don't really care for everyday wear. But seriously? Who is this Wizard calling all the shots? I'm just like most people and I choose what I like best from the season's "in" selections. But is it so important that I wear a rounded toe shoe versus a pointy?
I'm a sheep--I just follow along. But I still wonder where these ideas come from. Granted, I have only been to one big-time fashion show, and comparatively speaking, it was small. The shows in Paris, New York and London are big, big deals and we wait to see what they produce for us. Surely designers don't get together and conference about which direction they are all going for the upcoming season, yet everything seems to tie together, more or less.
It's refreshing to see a teeny tiny model walking in a pair of neon green jeans that wouldn't even cover my ankle, and cost $250. Then there are the special booties to be worn with the jeans and it becomes a big production. I just think it would be nice to have someone's name to curse when we unsuccessfully try on the bold maxi dress or the printed shorts.
I saw something the other day that was kind of a mockery for fashion magazines. It looked like a pie chart, divided into fads and workouts, etc. One side at the top said "Purple is the new black!" while directly across from it said "you're not still wearing purple, are you?" These sudden changes can make style tricky because we're not always sure what's going to last and what won't make it to June. For instance, the crop top:
Uh, not gonna happen.
Maybe I'm a bore, but I don't want to see other girls my age wearing this. Who is responsible?
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