
A friend suggested that I write about a few things, one of which I didn't think I'd ever write about: politics.  I am the very first to admit I have no expertise on the subject, but I am religious about voting, so I reserve the right to say a few things.  This post is not about my political affiliation, to slam anyone or push my beliefs on readers.
This has been my thought since 2004, when I read an article in "Rolling Stone" with one of the Phish members.  I wish I could remember which one.  He was going on and on about the president and what a crappy job he was doing and why he disliked him so much.  As I read I kept getting frustrated with him and everything he was rambling about.  It's because of our president that he can speak out freely without judgement or punishment.  It's because of our president he could be published despite what he was saying.  No, it was not George W. Bush himself that allows such freedom, but he's yet another guy running the country with liberty and justice for all.  The First Amendment is about as important and sacred as the Bible or Torah, depending on your religion (despite America's 44th spot in the world's freedom of the press).

So I marinated in those thoughts for a while and came to yet another conclusion: you do it.  People go on and on and on about how this guy sucks or this guy is stupid or that one is corrupt…so I say shut up and run for office yourself.  You try running a free nation and doing a perfect job.  I believe that when running for a public office its easy to make promises with good intentions, but once in office it becomes a different situation.  I believe that Obama wanted to do quite a bit with his term and has been jammed up with unforeseen issues.  But, like I said, I am not an expert.  My dad says that I am a bleeding heart when it comes to politics.  I find it so hard to understand--why are there so many homeless Americans, why can't everyone have equal health care and why are there still troops in Afghanistan?

I recently read a book that described America in a way we seem to ignore.  Apparently we are the best country in the world, but we have a $10.5 trillion public debt, hot-dog crust pizza, crumbling education system and hungry children.  How did America get into a situation where we owe China a trillion dollars?  What's happened to this great nation?  I imagine that if I threw a rock in a crowd, the person I hit couldn't name all the branches of government, or who Paul Revere was.  But I'll bet they know what happened on "Jersey Shore" last night.  American history is amazing--it was one of my favorite classes.  The stories are great and there is a lot to be really proud of!

For the record, this is Paul Revere...
…and this is Mike "the Situation."

I love my country, and I have faith in the people who run it.  Although, it's been reported that America could save up to $13 trillion with the legalization of marijuana.  Half that is spent enforcing the law against it.  A taxation on pot could bring in $7 trillion.  That seems like an awfully great trade, and people are doing it anyway!  Plus, what a happier country this could be…lots could benefit from toking on some Mary Jane.  Myself included.  I try not to buy into the whole "drinking is worse" theory because I have seen some people have a crazier reaction to being high versus being drunk.  Obviously drinking and driving is stupid, and in that respect being high could be a better alternative.  People who are stoned drive really slow.

One last time, just to hammer home the point: these are my own personal views and they are pretty limited, as you can see.  I am proud of my country and blessed to live somewhere I don't have to cover my entire face and body.  But right now we are in a shit storm.


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