Catching Up, Throwing Up, It's all Pretty Much the Same...

It's been a while since I've written anything.  Part of it is because the format of my blog's host changed and I had a difficult time figuring out how to work it!  Turns out I just needed to sign in.  Go figure.

Since my last posts I have been quite busy: I got myself a nice black eye, my friend had an adorable baby girl, I've gotten a job, was sick for a bit and went back to therapy.  Not that I had given up on the whole thing, but I've been doing it for a while and just needed a break.  It's exhausting, not to mention how tired you can become with yourself.  Part of the reason I went back was because my family has been driving me bonkers.  But the good news is that my therapist said I am probably winning that fight, I'm likely driving them just as nuts, if not more.

The shiner came from a day of much needed and well appreciated margaritas and cosmopolitans.  When I need it, I don't mess around!  My good friend Alexis and I spent a beautiful Saturday afternoon drinking, and late into the evening I fell on the patio…right onto my forehead and eye.  Fortunately I didn't feel a thing and have always wanted a nice black eye.  Plus, it was freaking hilarious!  Later in the evening when I was home and eating a nice midnight Whataburger I noticed my right eye was burning and checked it out in the mirror.  There are a couple people in my life who know how badly I've wanted black and blue makeup, one being my ex.  So I snapped a crooked picture with my phone and sent it in a text message to those two peeps.  You know, just what someone else wants to see at 2:30 AM.  Sadly I woke up quite sick and miserable.  I looked through my phone and realized I had NOT sent the scraped eye text to the right person…I accidentally sent it to a guy I dog sit for.  While he is also a friend, we don't exactly have a common habit of texting each other.  Once again, hilarious.  He thought it was hysterical and had a few tips.  This is what it looked like:

Alexis got a BIG kick out of this.  Turns out she had a bump on her head as well.

Of course I spent the entire day in bed nursing my hangover and laughing at my silly little life.  My sweet mom offered to bring me lunch a couple days later and saw her daughter sprawled out on the couch with greasy hair and this:

Yep.  It got a lot worse!

Since she offered to buy I ordered a flatiron steak with fries and spinach & artichoke dip--not much of a usual Tuesday afternoon lunch.  She got something of a kick out of it, especially with the all natural eyeshadow.  It went away far too quickly, but ended up hurting quite a bit.

As I said, my friend had her baby--I was so excited that when I went to see her and meet her baby girl I changed about 12 times because I wasn't sure what to wear! 

But that's pretty much it.  I'm sure other stuff has happened but even more certain that it's not interesting enough to write about.  Although, I have had quite a few observations, so check for those in the coming posts.

OH!  Check out this precious 2-week old kitty I got to see.  She is precious and tiny and don't worry, I would never take her because I am good in the cat department.  

Her name is Happy.  What a great name to throw out there in the universe, huh?
Check out how cute her paws are, holding onto the bottle.


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