To Mom, With Love

Unless you've been completely selfish, you know that yesterday was Mother's Day.  I was excited as Christmas to give my mom her loot.  I got everything weeks beforehand, and I am the worst at keeping gifts away from recipients.  My favorite was a personalized iPhone case because she just got an iPhone.  I also had some cookies arranged like flowers delivered to her.  Sadly, all my dad gets for Father's Day is a couple books, but as long as its wrapped and he can tear the paper he's pretty satisfied.

This post is to show off my own mom.  You'd better pay attention because you might be jealous that she's so great.  I'm not even biased--everyone loves her and tell me all the time.  She's inviting, funny, comforting and loyal to a fault.  She's always been a "cool" mom, too.  Not only is she beautiful, but she is the example of patience and love.  I can say all of this matter-of-factly because she has been through almost everything, and I know my brother, dad and I have at one point given her reason to move to the beach and change her name.

I won't rat out the boys because they can't defend themselves, so I can testify to a few miracles my mom has performed for me when she could have given up:

I was a punk to my parents in high school.  I remember actually wanting to piss them off or hurt them.  I immediately got into a wreck after turning 16, then proceeded to have car problems for two years.  It was an old car, and I was young and didn't really understand things like speed bumps or curbs.  When I was 17 I had some kind of transformation and realized she was a great friend who I could confide in, without judging or spreading stories.  When I wanted to come back home after my freshman year of college my folks let me move into their garage apartment and helped me fix it up.  They also insisted I attend the University of Houston for the year for fear I would never go back if I didn't.  She never said no when I then decided I wanted to go to another school.  She once made a surprise visit for my birthday while I was in summer school and took me to get some presents, took me to a nice dinner and stayed up drinking wine with me.  I flunked a course, Geology, and she didn't yell or scream or bitch, she just reminded me that I was not pursuing a career in rocks and that it gave me an advantage when taking it a second time.  

The best advice I've ever gotten from her was after a break up.  She said, "if it's meant to be, it'll be."  It was as if a wave of relief and comfort came over me, and I stopped crying.  Unfortunately it seems that nothing in the relationship department is "meant to be" as of late, but I'm still young.  When with friends or out with other parents, she doesn't boast or go on and on about her kids like some people do.  I love that.

My mom has literally picked me up and cleaned me off to help send me on my way.  In the past four years I have had many jobs, hair colors and other struggles.  I even gave up on myself.  But she never, ever did.  She is my biggest fan, and it's the best feeling in the world having her in my life.  I've made countless mistakes and surely caused more trouble than it's been worth.  But she continues to compliment me and tell me she is proud of me.  She thinks I have a good head on my shoulders, which is a big boost for my ego.  I've always said she is biased, but it's nice to hear anyway.  

She's always got wine available and an ear for listening.  She's got my back and I have hers.  She knows that in order for me to learn anything I have to royally mess it up first.  She's also such a wonderful person that some of her friends drove to Paris, TX for my granddaddy's funeral.  That's a good six+ hour drive.  

My mom has had many reasons to give up, but she never has.  Not to say she's never had some kind of passive/aggressive response or laid on the "I do EVERYTHING!" ever.  While this may sound bad, it's amazing: with this recent job scam I walked into she had very wise advice that was dead on and suggested I take a bit of time to find what I really want.  That's support.  When I was certain something would work out, she's left me alone to learn.  Plus, I imagine my stubbornness has had something to do with it.  But she's usually right.

I love my mom more than anything in the world.  We understand each other and have a mutual respect.  She's got great style and makes the most amazing jewelry.  She rolls her eyes with if my dad or brother say something corny or even stupid.  She thinks I'm really funny, so I love that, too.  

Lately she hasn't been taking very good pictures, so she avoids them and might not love her photo on display.  We've been practicing, though. 

This could have been a good picture, but my dad kinda missed.

This photo is so old but one of my favorites.  This was the beginning of fun family dinners out.
I remember we were having a great time.

SEE!?  Glass of wine ready.  She knows how to party!


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