Growing Up is Hard to Do

This is what stinks the most about growing up: it's nothing like the movies…at least in my experience, and quite a lot of people I know. There is no cool apartment, at least certainly not within a reasonable price range. Amazing clothes and makeup don't just appear, we have to max out our credit cards instead. Hot guys don't necessarily approach us, or they aren't interested if you're actually yourself. The best friend is rarely that loyal or constant in the real world, and our endings are not always so happy. Clearly has been my philosophy from the start. It's fairly reasonable to conclude that I believed all this stuff could actually happen. One thing I have noticed over the years is a common phrase, "this is a tough age." Since I was 12 years old I've been told this piece of wisdom from my elders. Over 18 years I've been told that each is "a tough age or time." Whether it's hard because you're being picked on...