Pills, Pills, Pills

I was raised a pill popper. My mom was no Judy Garland or Edie Falco from "Nurse Jackie." She distributed the safe, legal stuff, like Benadryl and Advil. Today, if you were to approach my dad, brother or mom, I guarantee they have a Pepto Bismol on them. Just as the father in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" believed in Windex as a cure-all, we believe in Pepto. It rocks. I am all for Eastern medicine and alternative therapies. I believe that it's worth a try and there are methods that can and have worked. However, I have seen the benefits of western medicine and even lived through them myself. I admit, I asked my dad last week if he had any extra pain killers--because they are super awesome. I've even overcome a strong addiction to Ambien. But I still believe in drugs, the best of the West. Pretty. Think about a bad headache and how much better you felt after a couple Advil. Or when you are sick with a terrible cold and ca...